Torubarova Tatyana Viktorovna (Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Moscow, Bauman Moscow State Technical University)
Analysis of freedom as a leading metaphysical problem in the philosophy of Schelling is carried out. It is established that in the context of metaphysical consideration the key is the question of the system of freedom, which is inseparable from the understanding of being as such. The question of the essence of being is the question of the possibility and reality of evil, where it is a question of the foundation of everything. In this connection, the essence of the concept of identity is revealed, the connection between ontology and theology is shown, which allows us to speak about the relativeological nature of understanding of being and the true system of freedom.
Keywords:being, system of freedom, identity, evil, metaphysics
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Citation link: Torubarova T. V. Metaphysical measurement of the question of the system of freedom in Schelling's philosophy // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2018. -№04. -С. 144-149 |