Krivozubov Anton V. (PhD student, Institute of State and Law Russian Academy of Science )
Discussing the issue of deed which transfers the rights in rem the majority of Russian researchers deal with German law. A few amount of them deals with common law.
In this essay there is an attempt to show the places of possession and a dead as a basis of right in rem in common law. It is suggested that possession isn’t a mere physical contact with the object, it is rather a sign to point out a person in which the legal rights are vested. In developed societies possession can be implied in a record in the register of property rights and the deed to transfer a property right itself can evolve into an application to change a record in the register.
Keywords:possession, deed, estate, seisin, register of property rights.
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Citation link: Krivozubov A. V. The development of a deed to transfer a right in rem in common law of England // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2018. -№07. -С. 117-123 |