Novichihin Paul G. (the associate, Volgograd Academy of MIA of Russia)
the article deals with the formation of criminal legislation governing the liability of employees in private commercial organizations associated with commercial bribery. The specific feature of the retrospective of the legislation in the part of difference from similar actions of employees of state structures is defined. In addition, the prerequisites for the formation of these institutions of society, the main stages and features of the development of legislation, the logic of development of legal acts providing for liability for commercial bribery.
Keywords:history of development of legislation for commercial bribery, commercial organization, abuse of position, responsibility of employees of private commercial organizations, commercial bribery.
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Citation link: Novichihin P. G. Retrospective criminal legislation related to commercial bribery // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2018. -№07. -С. 148-152 |