Ilyas Akylbek (doctor of economics, professor of JSC "Financial Academy", Republic of Kazakhstan)
the article considers the issues of financial provision for the development of entrepreneurship. The financial mechanism of small and medium-sized businesses is built in accordance with the requirements of objective economic laws. Its foundations are established by the state to solve the tasks that are facing it at this or that stage of economic development. Lending to small and medium-sized enterprises for banks is the most priority type of lending. The basic requirements set by banks for entrepreneurs are: the existence of a successfully developing business and own capital. To solve the problems of financial support of entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan, it is proposed to establish a financial development institute with the aim of financing and lending to small and medium-sized businesses.
Keywords:bank, business, investment, capital, credit, business activity, financial resources.
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Citation link: Ilyas A. System of financial support of small and medium business in the Republic of Kazakhstan // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2018. -№07. -С. 60-65 |