Bolgova Julia Viktorovna (Postgraduate, Educational institution of trade unions Higher education
Academy of labour and social relations)
The subject of the research touches upon the most important aspects of social and economic problems of shift method of labor organization. Shift method is of interest to most of the current employers, given the time of financial decline in our country and the need to increase productivity. Many questions remain regarding the legal regulation of the shift method of work organization. This article analyzes its state at the present stage, suggests ways to solve these problems.
Keywords:shift work, labor, legal issues, characteristics, work organization, work shift, between shifts vacation, schedule of shifts, midobaby holidays, working time, North, climatic conditions, legal regulations, camp
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Citation link: Bolgova J. V. Legal issues of the shift method of work organization // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2018. -№11. -С. 83-86 |