Vnukovsky N. I. (doctor of economic Sciences, Professor, Ural state University of railway engineering)
The article examines the main theoretical aspects of controlling in modern enterprises, analyzes and identifies specific features of controlling in the investment activities of enterprises. The problems of development and effective implementation of investment controlling in the enterprise are identified, the composition and structure of the controlling unit being implemented in the enterprise are considered. Developed activities and recommendations to improve the efficiency of investment activities in modern enterprises in the framework of investment projects.
Keywords:enterprise controlling, investment controlling, strategic investment controlling, project controlling, business centers, controlling finance, controlling product costs, controlling indirect costs, controlling results, controlling investments and controlling service, controlling system
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Citation link: Vnukovsky N. I. Development and implementation of controlling in the investment activities of enterprises in market conditions // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2019. -№08. -С. 10-13 |