Smakhtin Evgeny Vladimirovich (doctor of law, professor, Tyumen state University)
Belousov Alexey Vladimirovich (сandidate of Legal Sciences, senior lecturer, Tyumen state University)
The Authors of this work give a brief operational and investigative characteristics of the crime in question. The complex of operational-search actions is considered. Tactical features are defined and ways of carrying out quickly-search actions at investigation of thefts from clothes, a bag or other hand Luggage which were at the victim are offered.
Keywords:theft, operational activities, clothing, bag, hand Luggage
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Citation link: Smakhtin E. V., Belousov A. V. Features of operational-search activity at disclosure of thefts from clothes, a bag or other hand luggage which were at the victim // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2019. -№10. -С. 181-185 |