Shirshov Vladimir (Candidate of economic Sciences, associate Professor, Rostov state University University of Economics (RINH) )
Mutual insurance involves a method of organization of insurance relations (the creation of an insurance product), in which a group of insureds, formed for a particular attribute, creates a common Fund by contributions of the participants under their joint ownership, which presupposes the right of each party to the insurance product when the need arises.
The economic essence of the mutual insurance method is to implement the task of ensuring the priority interest of economic entities in providing property protection in the conditions of market risks.
Keywords:insurance, mutual insurance, insurance Fund, form of organization of the insurance Fund
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Citation link: Shirshov V. On the question of the economic essence of mutual insurance // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2019. -№11. -С. 95-99 |