Vnukovsky N. I. (Doctor of economic Sciences, Professor, Ural State University of Railway engineering)
the article examines the main organizational and intellectual problem issues of information support of the transport system of the Russian Federation. Conceptual models have been developed for the development of information support for the intelligent transport system (ITS) to create a constructive concept for building ITS, promoting the intelligent transport system in Russia in order to improve the quality of service and fulfill the main mission - meeting the needs of society in transport. The most priority directions of development of an intellectual railway transport are outlined.
Keywords:intelligent transport system (its), conceptual models, organizational and intellectual problems, innovative approaches to the development of its, breakthrough high-tech sectors of the Russian economy
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Citation link: Vnukovsky N. I. Intellectual-organizational problems in the development of railway transport information support of the intelligent transport system // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2020. -№01. -С. 16-20 |