Shulubina Svetlana Aleksandrovna (Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, FBGOU VO "Northeast State University” (Magadan))
The article is devoted to the analysis of legal conflicts, due to which entrepreneurs of the North who have the status of an employer find themselves in unequal economic conditions compared with those operating in other regions. The integration methodological technique allowed the author to rely on various branches of knowledge materials. The generalization of theoretical and factual materials allowed us to conclude that it is necessary to solve problems aimed at simultaneously stimulating the employer to comply with labor laws and supporting his competitiveness in the market of entrepreneurial services.
Keywords:employer; businessman; Far North; social guarantees for employees; purchasing; competitiveness.
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Citation link: Shulubina S. A. Competitiveness of an entrepreneur with the status of an employer operating in the Far North and equivalent regions // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2020. -№02. -С. 128-131 |