Leontyev Evgeniy Dmitrievich (candidate of economic Sciences, associate Professor, Southwest State University (Kursk))
Mukovnin Maxim Alexandrovich (Lecturer, Southwest State University (Kursk))
In most world countries at the present stage, the development of the economy is based on two key factors: innovation and digitalization. Digitalization today affects all aspects of human life, both economic and social. And the trends of modern development are such that digitalization will continue to expand its penetration, becoming elements of ordinary everyday life. However, despite its inalienability and the presence of undoubtedly positive aspects, digitalization also carries certain risks. Their manifestation is clearly traced in the economy. The development of innovations also generates new types of risks, which necessitates the search for methods to manage these risks. The purpose of the article is to consider innovative risks in the context of the digitalization of the economy and ways to manage them. The article solves the following tasks: the concept and main trends of digitalization of the economy are considered, risks in the field of digitalization are highlighted and analyzed, methods of managing innovative risks of digitalization of the economy are considered. The methodological basis of the research is based on a systematic approach, as well as methods of analysis and synthesis of theoretical developments in the field of innovative risk management in the field of digitalization of the economy. The article discusses the concept of digitalization of the economy, highlights the current risks in this area and analyzes the main methods of managing them. Based on the analysis of trends in the development of the digital economy, risks in this area, the need for the formation of the ICT culture of the population was substantiated as one of the important methods of managing innovative risks in the field of digitalization of the economy.
Keywords:digital economy, risks, innovation risk, risk management.
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Citation link: Leontyev E. D., Mukovnin M. A. Approaches to the management of innovative risks in the conditions of the digital economy // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2020. -№11/2. -С. 32-37 DOI 10.37882/2223-2974.2020.11-2.10 |