Kolyasa Vitaliy Stanislavovich (Postgraduate student, Moscow City Pedagogical University)
Zaretsky Andrei Mikhailovich (Legal Counsel, PSF "Stalkonstruktsiya")
In connection with the rapid technological progress, in the modern world there is a need to use information technology to resolve legal issues. One of the tools for regulating civil rights is digital rights, the issue of which was first raised at the legislative level in Belarus. In Russian legislation, the concept of digital rights was reduced to property rights, defining them as obligations and other rights, the content and conditions for the exercise of which are determined in accordance with the rules of the information system that meets the characteristics established by law. The use of digital rights creates a number of other problematic questions, the search for answers to which will help to streamline certain processes and relations in society.
Keywords:Internet, civil rights, digital rights, blockchain, smart contract, cryptocurrency, token, jurisprudence, law, theory of law, civil law, technology, lawyer
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Citation link: Kolyasa V. S., Zaretsky A. M. Digital rights in modern jurisprudence // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2021. -№03. -С. 87-90 DOI 10.37882/2223-2974.2021.03.10 |