Proshin Vladimir Mikhailovich (Doctor of Law, professor, Moscow state regional university)
The applied significance of the methodology for investigating crimes of similar groups and types is largely determined by the presence in the information models of the relevant methodology of the revealed information about the criminal patterns of committing crimes of the type under investigation, which have the character of both social and extra-social objective patterns. The basis for the development of information models of the investigation technique should be based on criminal laws that give rise to a recurrence in the crimes of a certain group or type. This content of information models of the investigation technique allows, already at the initial stage of the investigation, when putting forward versions, to foresee the whole complex of cause-and-effect relationships that form the course of the circumstances of the crime, and to correctly determine the direction of the forensic search for information about them and highlight the information to be proven.
Keywords:crime investigation methodology; collecting, checking and evaluating evidence; criminal patterns; circumstances to be proved; forensic characteristics of the crime; mechanism for committing a crime; information model of crime investigation methods; crime event; relapse of crime; traces of the crime.
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Citation link: Proshin V. M. Forensic patterns in information models of crime investigation methods // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2021. -№01. -С. 124-127 DOI 10.37882/2223-2974.2021.01.20 |