Matveeva Tamara Pavlovna (Senior Lecturer, FKOU VO "Vladimir Law Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia")
Kuznetsova Natalia Alexandrovna (senior lecturer, FKOU VO "Vladimir Law Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia")
Lyskova Anastasia Vladimirovna (assistant notary, notary district of the city of Vladimir Kosyanchuk T. V.)
The article examines the features of the notarial division of spouses' property, defines its concepts, basic provisions and procedure. The relevance of this topic is acquiring with the number of increase in divorces in recent years, while most of these acts of civil status are accompanied by litigation related to the division of property acquired during marriage, as well as other property. The issue of the notarial division of property presupposes a procedure for settling a property dispute out of court, which, in turn, will affect the unloading of the judicial system, as well as the protection of the rights of the spouses themselves.
Keywords:spouses, spouses' property, division of property, litigation, notary, notarial agreement.
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Citation link: Matveeva T. P., Kuznetsova N. A., Lyskova A. V. Problematic issues of the notarial division of spouses’ propеrty // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2021. -№11. -С. 179-182 DOI 10.37882/2223-2974.2021.11.23 |