Belousov Alexey V. (Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor, Tyumen state University)
Vassalatiy Zhanna V. (Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor, Tyumen state University)
The article is devoted features search activity the investigator in solving crimes in the sphere of computer information. An attempt is made to determine the criminalistic essence and highlight the informational significance of the process of crime detection, as well as, depending on the current investigative situation, to develop an algorithm for the investigator's search activity in the disclosure of crimes in the field of computer information.
Keywords:crime; computer information; investigative situation; verification of a crime report; preliminary investigation.
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Citation link: Belousov A. V., Vassalatiy Z. V. Features search activity the investigator in solving crimes in the sphere of computer information // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2022. -№03. -С. 104-107 DOI 10.37882/2223-2974.2022.03.05 |