Polezhaev Pavel Alexandrovich (Executive Director, Key Companies Department, Gazprombank (Joint Stock Company))
the article discusses the main management measures that make it possible to overcome the recession of the economy with minimal losses for a commercial bank. Taking into account the fact that the main goal of a commercial bank is to maximize profitability, with limited resources available, the availability of adaptive tools for managing the profitability of the loan portfolio allows it to respond more effectively to the impact of external factors in the conjuncture of the modern market economy.
Keywords:loan portfolio, capital adequacy, capital buffer, profitability, marginality, operating leverage effect, subordinated loan, credit risk.
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Citation link: Polezhaev P. A. Improving loan portfolio management in commercial banks as a development factor during the economic recession in Russia // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2022. -№12. -С. 48-52 |