The author notes that an ethnic component poses a significant threat to the security of modern Russia, which has now transformed from a security challenge into a more capacious concept - migration security. Migration security issues did not find their expression in regulatory legal acts, are not spelled out in the concept of migration policy, and therefore only the practice of countering this negative phenomenon is being formed.
To neutralize the criminogenic threat in modern Russia, according to the author, attention should be paid to migration security, which is one of the negative factors of social tension in modern Russia, at the same time, the indigenous population should unite under the auspices of a national idea, which should be the patriotic education of the younger generation, based on the principles of good and justice, love for the Motherland, satisfying the spiritual needs of the individual, developing the democratic foundations of Russian statehood.
Keywords:Migration security, ethnic component, threats and challenges, social tension, national idea.