The theatre is considered as a socio-cultural institution, striving not so much for a direct reflection of social reality, but to fulfill a socio-cultural mission, to meet the demands of society and the authorities. It was noted that during the Great Patriotic War, the repertoire of theatres was mainly based on military drama, although productions based on classical works continued. Front-line theatres and brigades were created, visual propaganda tools were used. All this contributed to patriotic education and mobilization of fighting spirit not only on the front line, but also in the rear. In the repertoire of modern regional theatres, in addition to productions based on classical works, performances based on Soviet and modern plays were noted, which touched upon issues of worldview, the value of feelings, close environment, and problems of interpersonal relationships. In ethnic regions, problems of moving away from one's roots and origins, preserving and developing the national language and traditions are often raised. Recently, performances related to military themes have begun to appear more often in theatre playbills.
Keywords:regional theater, repertoire, plays, unity and diversity, Great Patriotic War, Special Military Operation