Theoretical physics
Commentary on an article NelsonMigranov N. G., (Dr. of Physics and Mathematics, Professor, Bashkir State Pedagogical University, Ufa) Voitik V. V., (graduate student, Bashkir State Pedagogical University, Ufa)
P. 3-7 |
Information systems
System analysis, management and information processing (by industry)
Automation and management of technological processes and production (by industry)
Agroforestry, protective forestation and planting of settlements
Materials science (by industry)
Drilling and development technology
Technologies and means of agricultural mechanization
Processes and devices of chemical technology
Antihypoxical effect cedar oilVrubel M. E., (PMFI-branch SEI HPE Volg LGU Russian Ministry of Health) Ivashev M. N., (PMFI-branch SEI HPE Volg LGU Russian Ministry of Health) Maslikova G. V., (PMFI-branch SEI HPE Volg LGU Russian Ministry of Health)
P. 69-71 |
Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and program complexes