General biology
Causes placental insufficiencyMironova A. V., (post-graduate student of the Department of Microbiology
and virology TSMU
) Korshukova O. A., (MD Professor of the Department of Microbiology
and virology TSMU Vladivostok
P. 16-20 |
Instrumentation, metrology and information-measuring devices and systems
Radio engineering and communication
Computer science, computer engineering and management
System analysis of the service company Salmin A. A., (Candidate of technical sciences, associate professor
Povolzhskiy state university of telecommunications and informatics,
Samara, Lva Tolstoho str. 23, 443010,
department of information systems and technology,
05.13.10 – Management in social and economic systems,
) Gerasimova V. G., (Graduate department of information systems and technologies
Povolzhskiy state university of telecommunications and informatics,
Samara, Lva Tolstoho str. 23, 443010,
05.13.10 – Management in social and economic systems
P. 62-64 |
Clinical medicine
Structure of stomatologic incidence of the military personnel of various professional groupsVasilyeva L. V., (Department of maxillofacial surgery and surgical stomatology
Medical military Academy of S. M. Kirov, St. Petersburg
) Borodulina I. I., (Department of maxillofacial surgery and surgical stomatology
Medical military Academy of S. M. Kirov, St. Petersburg
) Filippov E. V., (Department of maxillofacial surgery and surgical stomatology
Medical military Academy of S. M. Kirov, St. Petersburg
) Ukhovsky D. M., (Department of maxillofacial surgery and surgical stomatology
Medical military Academy of S. M. Kirov, St. Petersburg
P. 73-77 |
The results of morphological studies of biopsy tissue hemangiomas after cryodestructionKotova T. G., (MD, PhD, Researcher, Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy,
Scientific Clinical Center Medical Cryology “onKolor’) Kochenov V. I., (MD, DSc, Senior Research Worker, Department of Operative Surgery and Topographic Anatomy, Director; Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy,
Scientific Clinical Center Medical Cryology “onKolor’) Tsybusov S. N., (MD, DSc, Professor, Head of the Department of Operative Surgery and Topographic Anatomy, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy) Gurin A. V., (Surgeon, Oncologist, Clinical and Diagnostic Department, Petrov Research Institute of Oncology, Ministry of Health of Russia)
P. 82-85 |
Acupuncture in the conservative treatment tubarnoy dysfunction in patients with chronic secretory otitis mediaMirkhaydarova Z. M., (Physiotherapist, physiotherapy and balneotherapy
Laboratory Department of Health Resort
Moscow Centre for Research and Practice in Medical Rehabilitation, Restorative and Sports Medicine of Moscow Healthcare Department, Russia, Moscow
) Grushina T. I., (DM, Director of rehabilitation of cancer,
Moscow Centre for Research and Practice in Medical Rehabilitation, Restorative and Sports Medicine of Moscow Healthcare Department, Russia, Moscow
P. 86-91 |