Aishanov Sultan Katayevich (doctor of medicine, professor of the Clinical research Institute, Academy of Sciences of Russia, Grozny)
Aishanov Sultan Sultanovich (senior research fellow, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Grozny)
the article analyzes the specifics of the genetic status of patients with different types of healing of musculoskeletal and gunshot wounds. It was revealed that gunshot wounds heal under the control of the gene, which does not affect the healing of wounds received through injuries. Moreover, genetic control over the healing of gunshot wounds is much more pronounced than over the healing of traumatic wounds. The study presents a procedure for identifying the risk and assessing the risk of progression of purulent tissue inflammation in people who were injured by a gunshot; analyzes the theme of correlation Genographic and natogeorgia seen a manifestation common to Genographic and natogeorgia rules called natural zonation.
Keywords:genetic status, genetic control of healing, purulent infection, gunshot wounds.
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Citation link: Aishanov S. K., Aishanov S. S. Wound healing as a manifestation of genetic polymorphism // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2018. -№07. -С. 173-174 |