Khaziakhmetov R. M. (doctor of biology, Professor Bashkir state University)
Biktasheva G. H. (graduate student, Bashkir state University)
Ecology of Ishimbay is formed by climatic conditions and the location of the city in the industrial subzone South-Bashkortostan agglomeration conurbation characterized by a significant share of enterprises of oil and gas processing, chemical production, oil production, oil and gas pipeline system. One of the major environmental problems of our time is urbanization associated with rapid growth of cities and industrial enterprises. In this article attention is drawn to the identification and the total contents of heavy metals in the soil of the city of Ishimbay. This is true in recent years for the environment and urban ecology in General, because such studies are episodic in nature. The concentration of industrial enterprises, powerful traffic streams, has led to the fact that the industrial enterprises are allocated to natural background as concentrations of environmental pollutants. In the article the technique of research – experiments and laboratory studies of the soil on the total amounts of heavy metals.
Keywords:Ishimbay, heavy metals, gross content, emissions, utility, monitoring, priority, state, phytotoxicity, test culture, roadside canvas.
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Citation link: Khaziakhmetov R. M., Biktasheva G. H. Ecological assessment of urban systems soil condition on the example of Ishimbay city // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2018. -№07. -С. 39-42 |