The increase in computing power and the ubiquitous proliferation of computers, the emergence of the Internet of things (IoT), distributed networks and other new technologies makes us think more and more about improving the means of protecting information. The present encrypt must provide the ability to configure not only a unique key, but also free parameters of the algorithm. Popular and common symmetric ciphers, at best, use table replacements of 4-8 bits for this. It is necessary to develop and research algorithms that perform substitution with alternating block fragmentation. This will help extend the variability of the substitution for irreducible polynomials by combining and rearranging sub-blocks of variable length. The paper shows an improved encryption algorithm with alternating block fragmentation of the secure communication protocol unit, which meets the criteria described above, for which testing and performance evaluation was performed to establish cipher characteristics. All the results were obtained with the help of the developed cross-platform encryption program for Linux, ARMhf and Windows using the encryption of files on the computer. The speed of the encryption is estimated by the encrypt program, starting and stopping the timer before and after the encryption function is executed. The quality of the ciphertext is determined by two powerful tests, one of them (graphic) was finalized for the purpose of interpretation by the program. The encrypt speed is determined to be 120 kilobytes/s. Recommendations on the encrypt program configuration and chaotization characteristics for various cipher elements are formulated. The encryption showed better results than other solutions [9], showing the results of randomizing the graphical test for 1 round instead of 3 rounds. The comparison was conducted with the results that the authors provided. The necessity of introducing the third criterion is substantiated. The proposed solution can be used to protect the telemetry of IoT devices, drones, smart home systems; protection of voice communications, messages, files. It can also be used for video transmission in the presence of multi-core processors
Keywords:information encryption, transmission protocol, secure data exchange, symmetrical key, alternating block fragmentation, testing and estimation