Shvyrev Boris Anatolievich (Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Leading Researcher, PKU Research Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia)
The paper provides an overview of foreign literature devoted to the study of the magnitude and structure of damage caused by cybercrime to an individual user of information systems. The literature extensively describes the damage from cyberthreats against firms and enterprises. This dynamic is typical both for Russia and for foreign countries. There are a number of objective difficulties with collecting information on all incidents and incidents caused by cybercrime against the user. The question of processing the information received is also relevant. The main problem of analyzing the damage from cybercrime is caused by a small amount of initial data, which is combined into a single array of various sources.
The paper proposes to treat the array as multidimensional. Measurable values of damage from cybercrime are heterogeneous, hard-to-formalize values.
For data analysis, both the traditional extrapolation method and the probabilistic approach to damage calculation are used.
Comparison of damage statistics to the user in Europe and the US is expressed by comparable numerical values, but not always the same interpretation. The article highlights the importance of developing methods for analyzing disparate data on damage from cybercrime, taking into account the experience of researchers from foreign countries.
Keywords:damage from cybercrime, categories of costs for cybercrime, operational risks, identity theft
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Citation link: Shvyrev B. A. Estimation of damage to the user from cybercrime in foreign countries // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2018. -№09. -С. 70-72 |