Ponyaev Leonid Petrovich (Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher, Associate Professor, MAI (NIU))
This article is devoted to the search for the Periodic Regularities in the space-group set and 3D variation of the any Geometric Transformations of the Spheroid shells models and Adaptive Simulation of the Synthesis of integral-differential layouts of the Aircraft (A) or Aerostatic Aircraft (AA) and their Full Flight or Processing Training Simulations (TS).
Keywords:geometric transformations, modeling, design, synthesis of layouts, aircraft, training complexes
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Citation link: Ponyaev L. P. The theory of the periodicity of the geometrical spheroid transformations in modeling of shape of aircraft and simulators // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2018. -№09. -С. 60-63 |