Omarova Asiyat Khizrievna (Therapist, FKUZ MESP of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation on RD, the applicant of the FSBEI of HE "Dagestan State Medical University" of the Ministry of Public Health)
In recent years there has been a significant increase in the incidence of people of working age with diseases of the cardiovascular system. The problem of disability and mortality from cardiovascular diseases in the working-age is particularly acute. Lifestyle is the leading component of the preventive potential of preventing cardiovascular complications. For patients with cardiovascular diseases or high cardiovascular risk, it is advisable to create specialized prophylactic programs, including exercise, modification of risk factors, training, and psychological support.
Keywords:cardiovascular diseases, arterial hypertension, risk factors, coronary heart disease, prevention
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Citation link: Omarova A. K. Modern programs for the correction of risk factors for cardiovascular diseases in workers in hazardous occupations // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2018. -№12/2. -С. 59-62 |