Chekotilo Elena Yurievna (candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, Samara state technical university)
Kichigina Olga Yurievna (candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, Saint Petersburg state marine technical university)
The priority task of the personnel policy of the University is to find and hire scientists with high scientific potential. As a support tools of management decision-making at the stage of search and selection of scientific and pedagogical personnel, a mechanism has been developed to automate the process of collecting and processing information from open Internet resources. At the end of the search procedures formes a database of scientists, the effectiveness of scientific activity which meets the modern requirements of the state system of certification of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel.
Keywords:support tools of decision-making, the system of the human resources management, mechanism of search and data processing, dissertation councils
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Citation link: Chekotilo E. Y., Kichigina O. Y. Mechanism of search and data processing for formation of a personnel reserve of university // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2019. -№06. -С. 131-136 |