Goryacheva Vera Vladimirovna (Russian University of transport (MIIT))
Considered the importance of electric transport in the context of the greening of the transport infrastructure of the country. The main promising types of electric transport are highlighted. The thesis that environmental friendliness and economy are factors of potential expansion, the use of a complex of alternative sources is substantiated; they are likely to become the basis of the expanding distribution of electric vehicles in the Russian Federation.
Keywords:Ecology, electric transport, alternative energy sources, popularization, profitability.
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Citation link: Goryacheva V. V. Electric transport and its role in the greening of the transport complex of the country // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2019. -№06. -С. 6-8 |