Protsenko Igor Grigorievich (doctor of technical Sciences, Professor, Kamchatka state technical University, Russia, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky)
the technology "Electronic fishing journal" (EPG) refers to the digitalization of the production activities of fishing vessels and enterprises and is used to monitor the location and fishing of ships, the formation of fishing records. The article is devoted to the problems of automation of logging on fishing vessels on the basis of EPG technology. The main reporting of fishing vessels is the trade journal. Automation of its management is a prospect and is the basis for the development and improvement of the industry monitoring system (OSM). EPG technology refers to the means of generating, storing, protecting and transmitting fishing information from fishing vessels. In General, the task of monitoring the location of the vessel is to obtain a real-time segment of the trajectory of the vessel at a given time interval with a given discreteness. Improving the efficiency of monitoring the fishing activities of ships is possible through the automation of the process of reporting fishing, detailing the report on the positioning and fishing activities, protection of fishing information from destruction, distortion, unauthorized access.
Keywords:fishing, fishing vessels, fishing reporting, satellite navigation systems, marine communication systems, information fishing system, monitoring system
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Citation link: Protsenko I. G. E-the logbook reporting fi shing vessels // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2019. -№08. -С. 111-116 |