Germanova Svetlana Evgenievna (Senior Lecturer, RUDN University)
Sambros Nataliya Borisovna (Senior Lecturer, RUDN University)
Petukhov Nikolay Vladimirovich (candidate of Agriculture Science, Associate Professor, RUDN University)
Petrovskaya Polina Alexandrovna (Senior Lecturer, RUDN University)
Kocheva Margarita Vasilievna (candidate of Technical Science, Associate Professor, RUDN University)
In article questions of complex assessment of extent of influence of objects of the oil and gas industry on natural and artificial ecosystems, their influence in the short-term and long term are considered.
As one of the main energy carriers within the existing technological way there is still oil and products of its repartition.
Use of oil in technological chains is inseparably linked with need of functioning of the developed infrastructure on its production, transportation and processing. Operation of each object in such chains inevitably renders the direct, or mediated impact on the environment and first of all on the ecosystems created in the location of such objects. Unfortunately, influence it, as a rule has negative character in this connection there is a need available of the formalized and standardized techniques of complex assessment of the impact of industrial facilities of the oil and gas industry on natural and artificial ecosystems to provide a possibility of development and realization of an adequate complex of the actions directed to the maximum compensation of the negative impact caused to the environment from industrial facilities.
Keywords:ecological influence, complex assessment, ecological systems, industrial facilities, oil and oil products, impact on the environment, impact on ecosystems
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Citation link: Germanova S. E., Sambros N. B., Petukhov N. V., Petrovskaya P. A., Kocheva M. V. Complex assessment of the impact of industrial facilities of the oil and gas industry on natural and artifi cial ecosystems // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2019. -№08. -С. 11-15 |