Журнал «Современная Наука»

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Scientific and practical journal, Moscow

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Журнал - Современная наука: Естеств. и Техн. науки

The magazine «"Modern Science: actual problems of theory and practice"»
Series Естественные и Технические Науки - №08 2019

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General biology
Screening of microorganisms with high solubilizing activity against brown coal of KazakhstanAkimbekov N. , (PhD, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University)
Zhubanova A. , (D.Sc., Professor, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University)
P. 7-10
Complex assessment of the impact of industrial facilities of the oil and gas industry on natural and artifi cial ecosystemsGermanova S. E., (Senior Lecturer, RUDN University)
Sambros N. B., (Senior Lecturer, RUDN University)
Petukhov N. V., (candidate of Agriculture Science, Associate Professor, RUDN University)
Petrovskaya P. A., (Senior Lecturer, RUDN University)
Kocheva M. V., (candidate of Technical Science, Associate Professor, RUDN University)
P. 11-15
The content and features of the distribution of copper in soils of SyzranZhukova M. V., (post-graduate student, Ulyanovsk State University, Ulyanovsk)
P. 16-19
Dynamics of the phytomass of herbs and forbs in the ground cover of pine culture created on felling of birch forestsKulyasova O. A., (Art. teacher, State Agrarian University of Northern Trans-Urals (Tyumen))
Shishkin A. M., (Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Assistant professor, State Agrarian University of Northern Trans-Urals (Tyumen))
Razmanova V. E., (Art. teacher, State Agrarian University of Northern Trans-Urals (Tyumen))
P. 20-25
Assessment of the aftereff ects of long-term use of high doses of sewage sludge through soil bioassayLunev M. I., (doctor of biological sciences, chief researcher of the Federal state budgetary scientific institution "All-Russian research Institute of Agrochemistry named after D. N. Pryanishnikov»)
Baranov A. P., (senior researcher, Federal state budgetary scientific institution "All-Russian research Institute of Agrochemistry named after D. N. Pryanishnikov»)
P. 26-30
Inoformatika, computer facilities and management
Mathematical modeling of underground gas storage in aquarius dome plateAkhanova M. A., (Ph.D. of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor, Tyumen Industrial University)
Ovchinnikova S. V., (Ph.D. of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor, Tyumen Industrial University)
Platonov D. V., ( Leading Specialist, Gazpromneft-NTC, Tyumen)
P. 31-34
Creating an automated system for monitoring, collection and processing statistics for a protected corporate network KNITUBogomolov V. A., (Ph.D., assistant professor, Kazan National Research Technological University)
Первухин И. Д., (Ph.D., main electronics, Kazan National Research Technological University)
P. 35-42
The organization of cognitive systems, combined with functional modelsGuzik V. F., (Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Southern Federal University, Honored worker of science of the Russian Federation)
Prilip V. A., (Postgraduate student, Southern Federal University)
Chyrnyy S. A., (PhD in engineering sciences, associate Professor, Southern Federal University)
Shestakov A. V., (PhD in Engineering sciences, senior researcher, Southern Federal University)
P. 43-46
Research on fast relaxing temperature excitations caused by ultrashort laser pulsesEremin A. V., (Candidate of Sciences in Technology, Samara State Technical University)
P. 47-52
Transition processes at balancing the grinding wheel Kashirskaya E. N., (Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor, MIREA - Russian Technological University)
Samusev S. A., (Teacher, School №1547)
P. 53-57
The description of method of assessment and decision-making in health sectorKozhevnikov A. A., (Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Lecturer, Novokuznetsk state institute of improvement of doctors - branch of FGBOU DPO RMANPO of the Ministry of Health of Russia)
Zilina N. M., (Doctor of Engineering, the associate professor, Novokuznetsk state institute of improvement of doctors - branch of FGBOU DPO RMANPO of the Ministry of Health of Russia)
Dantsiger D. G., (Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, Novokuznetsk state institute of improvement of doctors - branch of FGBOU DPO RMANPO of the Ministry of Health of Russia)
Vlasenko A. E., (Candidate of technical Sciences, teacher, NGIUV – branch of FSBEI DPO RMANPO Ministry of health of Russia)
P. 58-65
A functional diagram of digital workspace in an educational institutionKryagenkov K. , (Ph.D. (Engineering), Associate Professor, Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education «MIREA – Russian Technological University» (Moscow))
P. 66-69
Intelligent method for building two-dimensional cards of the locality, based on the use of the carding of the classifi cator ensemble, trained with the application of the deep education methodKuznetsov V. V., (Postgraduate student, Ryazan State Radioengineering University)
P. 70-72
Competences forming for training students for disciplines with elements of system analysisKulik S. D., (Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, National Research Nuclear University MEPHI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute); Moscow State University of Psychology and Education (MSUPE))
P. 73-77
Automatic detection and distribution prevention of incorrect BGP-4 routing informationMansurov A. V., (candidate of technical Sciences, associate Professor, Altai State University)
Schetinin D. S., (Altai State University)
P. 78-84
Group classifi cation of diff erence schemes of parabolic diff erential equations of one- and two-phase fl ow in porous mediaMarkov P. , (Deputy CEO at “UNI-CONCORD” LLC, Tyumen state university)
P. 85-90
Multiagent control of technological processes in conditions of information uncertaintyMilovidova A. A., (Senior teacher, Dubna State University )
Cheremisina E. N., (Candidate of Science in Engineering, professor, Dubna State University)
Dobrynin V. N., (Candidate of Science in Engineering, professor, Dubna State University)
Sokolov I. A., (Assistant, Dubna State University)
P. 91-96
Choice of model heat exchange asphalt concrete in transportation processNguyen T. T., (Postgraduate, MADI)
P. 97-101
On tendencies of changing cyber threats in fi nancial and credit sphere according to the data of bank of RussiaNikolaev V. , (Candidate of technical sciences, Associate Professor at the Central Russian Institute of Management - Branch of RANEPA)
Kulakova T. , (Lecturer at the Banking college Central Russian Institute of Management - Branch of RANEPA)
P. 102-106
Method of estimating the total value of information assets when assessing the risks from insider threats to information securityPolyanichko M. A., (Candidate of technical Sciences, associate Professor of PGUPS, St. Petersburg)
P. 107-110
E-the logbook reporting fi shing vesselsProtsenko I. G., (doctor of technical Sciences, Professor, Kamchatka state technical University, Russia, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky)
P. 111-116
Analysis of research methods to assess the output quality of the oral speech of the KazakhRomashkova O. N., (PhD (technical sciences), professor, Moscow State Linguistic University (MSLU), Moscow, Russia)
Bakhtiyarova Y. A., (PhD., associate Professor, Kazakh Academy of transport and communications they. M. Tynyshpayev (KazATC), Almaty, Kazakhstan )
Kargulovа A. N., (doctoral student, Kazakh Academy of transport and communications they. M. Tynyshpayev (KazATC), Almaty, Kazakhstan )
Anykbaev B. E., (doctoral student, Kazakh Academy of transport and communications they. M. Tynyshpayev (KazATC), Almaty, Kazakhstan )
P. 117-121
Analysis of speech intelligibility in networks of operational and technological communication on sections of railway transport of the republic of KazakhstanRomashkova O. N., (PhD (technical sciences), professor, Moscow State Linguistic University (MSLU), Moscow, Russia)
Bakhtiyarova Y. A., (PhD., associate Professor, Kazakh Academy of transport and communications they. M. Tynyshpayev (KazATC), Almaty, Kazakhstan )
Anykbaev B. E., (doctoral student, Kazakh Academy of transport and communications they. M. Tynyshpayev (KazATC), Almaty, Kazakhstan )
Kargulovа A. N., (doctoral student, Kazakh Academy of transport and communications they. M. Tynyshpayev (KazATC), Almaty, Kazakhstan )
P. 122-127
Effective removal of elements from one-dimensional arraySuvorov A. P., (PhD, Senior Lecturer, Moscow State Civil Engineering University)
P. 128-131
Databases of environmental evaluation of water objects by physical and chemical indicatorsUmyarova R. M., (PhD student, Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, Kazan)
Mingazova N. M., (doctor of biological Sciences, Professor, Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, Kazan)
P. 132-135
Analysis and information financial management system for flagship university’s development programChekotilo E. Y., (candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, Samara state technical university)
Prosvirina D. A., (lecturer, Samara state technical university)
Kichigina O. Y., (candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, Saint Petersburg state marine technical university)
P. 136-139
Clinical medicine
The possibilities of “Exportal” in the treatment of patients with liver cirrhosis and hepatic encephalopathyAtaeva A. A., (postgraduate student, The First Sechenov Moscow State Medical University)
Ataeva J. A., (Dagestan state medical University)
P. 140-145
The use of medical drug “Hemoblock DENT” in patients with hemophilia in dentistryBayrikov I. M., (doctor of medical Sciences, Professor, Samara state medical University )
Blokhina E. V., (Dentist, Samara state medical University)
P. 146-148
One-stage implantation as a prevention of an alveolar ridge atrophyWinner A. A., (First Pavlov State Medical University of St. Petersburg)
Nefedova A. A., (First Pavlov State Medical University of St. Petersburg)
P. 149-153
The atrial fibrillation prevalence according to the method of single-lead electrocardiography with data remove transferVishnyakova N. A., (Candidate of Medicine, administrator of Polyclinic №2, general physician, therapeutist, Budgetary Public Health Facility of the Moscow region "Mytishchi city clinical hospital")
Yanin V. A., (Candidate of Medicine, medical director, Budgetary Public Health Facility of the Moscow region "Mytishchi city clinical hospital")
Kopylov F. Y., (PhD of Medicine, professor, director of the institute of personalized medicine Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University Ministry of Health of the Russia)
P. 154-161
Study of the residual power after laser irradiation of the root canals of a remote human molarZhulev E. N., (Doctor of medical Sciences, Professor, Volga research medical University" of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation )
Rostov A. V., (Candidate of medical Sciences, chief physician, Limited liability Company "Center of medical legal consulting "Rubicon” )
Rostov A. A., (The General Director, Limited liability Company "Center of medical legal consulting "Rubicon” )
P. 162-164
Features of morbidity of ovarian cancer in the Primorsky KraiZhurman V. N., (candidate of medical Sciences, State budgetary institution of health care «Primorsky regional Oncology center»; assistant of the Pacific national medical University, Vladivostok)
Eliseeva E. V., (doctor of medical Sciences, Professor, Pacific national medical University, Vladivostok)
Volkov M. V., (head doctor, State budgetary institution of health care «Primorsky regional oncological clinic», Vladivostok)
Tabakarov P. S., (Doctor, State budgetary institution of health care «Primorsky regional oncological clinic», Vladivostok)
P. 165-168
Acute respiratory distress–syndrome: a review of evidence-based researchZavertaylo L. L., (SO "Surgut Clinical Trauma Hospital" )
Tarasenko L. L., (assistant professor, SO HE KhMAO-Ugra “Surgut State University”)
Arslanov O. Z., (physician anesthesiologist intensive care unit, SO "Surgut Clinical Trauma Hospital" )
Kazimagomedova N. K., (physician anesthesiologist intensive care unit, SO "Surgut Clinical Trauma Hospital" )
P. 169-176
Analytical review of the main epidemiological indicators for tuberculosis in Primorsky Krai from 2017 to 2018Lavrenyuk V. V., (Postgraduate, FGBOU VO "Pacific Vladivostok Medical University" of Ministry of health of the Russian Federation)
Ryazanova E. V., (Postgraduate, FGBOU VO "Pacific Vladivostok Medical University" of Ministry of health of the Russian Federation)
Luneva M. A., (TB doctor, GBUZ "Primorsky regional TB dispensary")
P. 177-183
Comparative analysis of the processing quality of the resorbed area using various irrigation methodsLoos Y. G., (The Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation )
Makeeva I. M., (The Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation )
P. 184-188
Prognosis for treatment of orthodontic patients with deep overbitePilipenko N. D., (Postgraduate, FGBOU in the RostGMU of the Ministry of Health of Russia)
P. 189-192
Improving the treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysm using stent graftPlechev V. V., (Bashkir State Medical University)
Ismetov V. S., (Bashkir State Medical University)
Yusupov R. K., (graduate student, Bashkir state medical University)
P. 193-197
Pharmacoeconomic analysis of antibioticotherapy for patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 complicated with diabetic stop syndrome of 2 degrees by WagnerRuina O. V., (K.m.n., Associate Professor, Privolzhskiy Research Medical University, N. Novgorod)
Konishkina T. M., (K.m.n., Associate Professor, Privolzhskiy Research Medical University, N. Novgorod)
Borisov V. I., (D.m.n., Professor, Privolzhskiy Research Medical University, N. Novgorod)
Melnichenko O. V., (K.m.n., Associate Professor, Privolzhskiy Research Medical University, N. Novgorod)
Ezhova E. I., (Privolzhskiy Research Medical University, N. Novgorod)
Tsopova M. A., (Privolzhskiy Research Medical University, N. Novgorod)
Polyakova V. V., (Privolzhskiy Research Medical University, N. Novgorod)
P. 198-202
NSAID-associated gastropathy: current status, problems, possibilities of prevention of therapeutic treatmentSabitova D. A., (Bashkir state medical University (BSMU), Ufa)
P. 203-207
And prognostic signifi cance of microsatellite instability in patients with cancer endometryСham K. G., (graduate student, oncologist, Federal Public Health Institution Russian Scientific Center of Radiology and Surgical Technologies named after academician A.M. Granova)
Raskin G. A., (doctor of medical Sciences, Federal Public Health Institution Russian Scientific Center of Radiology and Surgical Technologies named after academician A.M. Granova)
Vinokurov V. L., (doctor of medical Sciences, Professor, Federal Public Health Institution Russian Scientific Center of Radiology and Surgical Technologies named after academician A.M. Granova)
Gelbutovskaya S. M., (graduate student, doctor of ultrasonic diagnostics, Federal Public Health Institution Russian Scientific Center of Radiology and Surgical Technologies named after academician A.M. Granova)
Lisyanskaya A. S., (candidate of medical Science, City budget health care institution "City Clinical Oncology Center")
P. 208-214
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