Tokaev Valerij Kazbekovich (The oncologist of the Moscow cancer research Institute n.a. P. A. Herzen)
Zikiryahodzhaev Aziz Dil'shodovich (Doctor of medical Sciences, Moscow cancer research Institute n.a. P. A. Herzen)
Troshenkov Evgenij Alekseevich (Candidate of medical Sciences, Moscow cancer research Institute n.a. P. A. Herzen)
Rasskazova Elena Aleksandrovna (Candidate of medical Sciences, researcher of the Moscow cancer research Institute n.a. P. A. Herzen)
Glotov Egor Sergeevich (The oncologist of the Moscow cancer research Institute n.a. P. A. Herzen)
Kim YUrij Anatol'evich (The oncologist of the Moscow cancer research Institute n.a. P. A. Herzen)
Kupriyanov Petr Igorevich (Postgraduate student of the Moscow cancer research Institute n.a. P. A. Herzen)
Nikitina Ekaterina Andreevna (Candidate of medical Sciences, Moscow cancer research Institute n.a. P. A. Herzen)
Malik Denis Sergeevich (Candidate of medical Sciences, Moscow cancer research Institute n.a. P. A. Herzen)