Osmukha Svetlana Aleksandrovna (Graduate student, teacher, Ushakov State Maritime University)
This article presents the formulation of the problem of estimating changes in the resistance coefficients of an element (experimental site) as a function of changes in the angle of attack, changes in the angle of the longitudinal axis (yaw) and velocity roll of an object in an aero tube experiment. Reynolds numbers are used to conduct the aerotube experiment. Calculations are carried out for a water object with respect to angles: α– angle of attack, relative to the projection on the xg axis of the associated coordinate system; β is the yaw angle relative to the projection on the zg axis of the associated coordinate system; γ is the angle of velocity roll of the longitudinal plane of the nozzle relative to the cross section, the projection on the yg axis of the associated coordinate system.
Keywords:angle, aerotube experiment, coefficient, Morlet.
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Citation link: Osmukha S. A. Simulation of the distribution of hydrodynamic coefficients in the fluid flow according to the aerotube experiment // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2019. -№2. -С. 39-42 |