Germanova Svetlana Evgenievna (Senior Lecturer, RUDN University)
Dremova Tatiana Valeryevna (Assistant, RUDN University)
Petrovskaya Polina Alexandrovna (Senior Lecturer, RUDN University)
Kocheva Margarita Vasilievna (candidate of Тechnical Science, Associate Professor, RUDN University)
Petukhov Nikolay Vladimirovich (candidate of Agriculture Science, Associate Professor, RUDN University)
This article deals with the rehabilitation of soils contaminated by petroleum products as a result of anthropogenic activities.
Since at the present stage of technological development human civilization continues to use oil and oil transfer products to meet both energy and technological needs, the need to minimize the negative impact of oil and petroleum products on the environment in the process of their production, transportation, processing and use remains relevant.
There are no clear prospects for non-use of oil in the foreseeable future of technological development. If the search for alternative oil sources of energy is quite successful, the possibility of full replacement of oil as hydrocarbon raw materials in any other way in the near future is almost completely absent, and therefore the importance of technologies of regeneration of soils contaminated with oil and oil products in the following decades will not lose its relevance.
Keywords:Oil, petroleum products, soil pollution, rehabilitation technologies, soil restoration, soil regeneration.
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Citation link: Germanova S. E., Dremova T. V., Petrovskaya P. A., Kocheva M. V., Petukhov N. V. Modern methods of recovery of contaminated soils // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2020. -№01. -С. 23-27 |