Nagiyeva Sevil E. (Assistant, Azerbaijan Agrarian University, Ganja city )
Garaeva Sevinс Ch. (Junior Researcher, Institute of Microbiology of ANAS, Baku )
Alyeva Besti N. (doctoral candidate, Institute of Microbiology of ANAS, Baku )
Akhundova Nazila A. (Senior Lecturer, Azerbaijan State Economic University, Baku )
Yusifova Yagut A. (Institute of Botany of ANAS, Baku )
İn the carried out of study characterized the species composition, ecolo- trophic relationships and some indicators of the biotechnological potential of xylomycobiota inherent to the nature of Azerbaijan.
As a result of studies, was found that 93 species take part in the formation of xylomycobiota of trees in natural and artificial forests, parks of the studied territories, as well as the Central Botanical Garden of ANAS, 88,2% of which are causative agents of white decay under the natural conditions. Among the registered fungi, there are many strains that are promising both in terms of their ability to form biomass and the production of certain biologically active substances (enzymes, polysaccharides, etc.), which will allow in the near future on their basis to organize the production of biologically active substances in the country.
Keywords:xylomycobiota, species composition, ecolo-trophic relationship, type of decay, biologically active substances.
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Citation link: Nagiyeva S. E., Garaeva S. C., Alyeva B. N., Akhundova N. A., Yusifova Y. A. The species composition of basidiomycetes spread in Azerbaijan and assessment of their potential as producers of biologically active substances // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2020. -№03/2. -С. 20-25 |