Taran Vasily V. (candidate of cultural studies (ICT), candidate of scientific degree of doctor of technical sciences, Moscow International University, All-Russian Institute of Scientific and Technical Information RAS)
Pakshina Veronica A. (Moscow International University, Municipal Autonomous Institution «TV and Radio Broadcaster «Radoneje»)
Technical issues of computer design based on drawing primitives (meshes) for making up the content of TV broadcasting streaming are discussed in the article. Being illustrated by logo of regional TV and radio company «Radoneje» the experience of 2D and 3D-geometric design (subsequently taking into account their rotation) by using method of redistribution of light streams and hiding when extrusion of clipping outline of the structure in Blender® 3D-modeling environment with partial using of Python™ programming language resources is analyzed. The method above proved to be very helpful for accurate reproduction of rendered geometrical construction including light transitions and graduated fills. The method is universal allowing accurate reproduction of visual content independently from computer programming. General problem areas of computer 3D-modelling associated with 3D-objects modeling are pointed out. Sequence of operations when generating the effects related to drawing, extrusion and potential hiding of some layers by an opportunity of their visualization has been systemized. Based on symbolic algorithms and schematic illustrations the main capabilities of software packed 3D-visualization Blender® were revealed and certain conditions of its technical exploiting when modeling the objects and scenes of medium and high complexity were determined.
Keywords:Computer 3D-modeling, visualization, automation of the modeled operations, methods of computer modeling, drawing primitives, computer geometry, computer graphic, design, sculpt, digital composition, extrusion, pseudo extrusion, light streams, Blender®, Python™ programming language.
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Citation link: Taran V. V., Pakshina V. A. Practice of drawing primitives for «Radoneje» broadcasting company content design in 3d-modeling computer environment Blender® by using Python™ programming language // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2020. -№07. -С. 108-144 DOI 10.37882/2223-2966.2020.07.31 |