Zdor Dmitry Valerevich (Сandidate of pedagogical sciences, Associate Professor, Primorskaya State Academy of Agriculture)
Savelyeva Ekaterina Vladimirovna (Candidate of technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Primorskaya State Academy of Agriculture)
Object: Reveal the meaningful elements of the design technology for a multi-window SDI style application in the Delphi programming environment, illustrate the main stages and technological methods with a specific example.
Methods: Analysis and synthesis of special literature on the research problem, generalization and systematization, modeling.
Findings: The windowed graphical interface is predominant. When developing a windowed application in Delphi, the main building block of an application window is the form. Multi-window applications can be MDI (Multi Document Interface) style or SDI (Single Document Interface) style. The article reveals the content elements of the design technology for a multi-window SDI style application. The main elements of the described technology include: 1) designing the start window interface; 2) adding a new form (several forms) to the project, designing their interface, taking into account the relationship with other forms of the project; 3) implementation of the interconnection of modules corresponding to the interconnected forms of the project; 4) writing event handlers to implement window functions, including software implementation of the transition between windows of a multi-window application.
Conclusions: The article describes the technology for designing a multi-window SDI-style application in the Delphi programming environment. The technology is described using an example of a specific application with an illustration of fragments of program code. The content elements of the presented technology can serve as a practical basis for building a multi-window SDI-style application in the Delphi programming environment. The results obtained can be used in the further development of issues of creating multi-window applications.
Keywords:multi-window application; the form; form style; form interface.
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Citation link: Zdor D. V., Savelyeva E. V. Creating multi-window SDI style applications in the Delphi // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2021. -№03. -С. 86-91 DOI 10.37882/2223-2966.2021.03.13 |