Iuryev R. N. (ITMO University, St. Petersburg)
Alodjants A. P. (National Center for Cognitive Development; ITMO University, St. Petersburg)
The work is devoted to the description of new ways of the decision of problems of automation of legal processes in the framework of current problems of setting up of methods of an artificial intellect in law enforcement practice in the conditions of digitization. The current conditions for the development of economics and technology require detailed regulation of the application of artificial intelligence algorithms, including at the legislative level, and in some cases this regulation at the level of regulations is still insufficient. The paper proposes a new approach to solving the problem of recognition and evaluation of collusions of two (and more) participants in public procurement, based on the theory of quantum information. The mathematical criterion of quantum entanglement revealed the degree of consistency in the behaviour of bidders in public tenders, confirmed by available data and expert evaluation. We develop software based on real data for the task of collusions detection; the results were tested by means of expert evaluation of the results.
Keywords:automation of legal processes, artificial intelligence, quantum information, consistency of behavior.
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Citation link: Iuryev R. N., Alodjants A. P. The problem of collusion of bidders and ways to solve it in the framework of digital economics paradigms and by using quantum probability theory // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2021. -№10. -С. 139-149 DOI 10.37882/2223-2966.2021.10.33 |