Журнал «Современная Наука»

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Scientific and practical journal, Moscow

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Журнал - Современная наука: Естеств. и Техн. науки

The magazine «"Modern Science: actual problems of theory and practice"»
Series Естественные и Технические Науки - №12 2021

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General biology
Genotypical background of Staphylococcus aureus in symbiotic interaction with Blastocystis sppBugero N. V., (Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Pskov State University)
Ilyina N. A., (Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Pskov State University)
P. 7-12
Study of health indicators and adaptation of students of professional educational organizations under the influence of adverse environmental factorsZakharov N. E., (PhD in Biology, Associate Professor, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Bryansk State Engineering Technological University»)
Zolotnikova G. P., (Doctor of medical sciences, Professor, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Bryansk State University named after I.G. Petrovsky»)
Kurguz R. V., (PhD in Biology, College Professor, State Autonomous Vocational Education Institution «Bryansk Basic Medical College»)
Kondrashova I. N., (PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev»)
P. 13-16
Change in the radiation regime and composition of the herbal layer of pine crops at the closing of the crown of the treeKulyasova O. A., (Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, State Agrarian University of Northern Trans-Urals (Tyumen))
Kastornova M. G., (Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Assistant professor, State Agrarian University of Northern Trans-Urals (Tyumen))
P. 17-22
Optimization of the network structure of environmental monitoring stationsMalko S. , (Kerch State Marine Technological University, Kerch)
Dorovskoy V. , (Kerch State Marine Technological University, Kerch)
Semenova A. , (Kerch State Marine Technological University, Kerch)
Dorovskaya I. , (Kerch State Marine Technological University, Kerch)
P. 23-31
Ways to increase arthropod biodiversity for plant protection in various agroecosystemsMiniyarov F. T., (Candidate of biological sciences, associate professor, head of laboratory, Astrakhan State University)
Yaitsky A. S., (Senior lecturer, Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education)
P. 32-35
Efficiency of an artificial feed mixture from insects at cultivation Coccinellidae used for biological plant protection in various agroecosystemsMiniyarov F. T., (Candidate of biological sciences, associate professor, head of laboratory, Astrakhan State University)
Pavlov S. I., (Candidate of biological sciences, associate professor, Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education)
Yaitsky A. S., (Senior lecturer, Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education)
P. 36-41
Microbiological and enzymological conversion of plant waste with a lignocellulose structureNematova U. V., (doctoral student(PhD) of the Institute of Microbiology of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Baku)
Huseynova G. I., (doctoral student(PhD) of the Institute of Microbiology of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Baku)
Muradova S. M., (lecturer of the Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University, Baku)
Mammadova P. M., (doctoral student(PhD) of the Institute of Microbiology of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Baku)
P. 44-47
Computer science, computer engineering and management
Metrics situational analysty in the web, video and Wi-Fi platformsAzarov V. G., (Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Arctic State Agrotechnological University)
Chuprina M. V., (lecturer, Autonomous non-profit professional education organization «Omsk Academy of Economics and Entrepreneurship»)
P. 48-53
Databases in the structure of the software and hardware complex through which the "smart house" system is controlledAl-Dulaimi O. , (graduate student, Voronezh State Technical University)
P. 54-57
Web bot protection research: the impact of protection on shopping websites and its relationship to visits and search relevanceBabaritsky P. A., (postgraduate student, Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "National Research University ITMO")
Gosudarev I. B., (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "National Research University ITMO")
P. 58-65
Development of requirements for data processing for control problems in remote higher education systemsBelyakova A. V., (Post-graduate student, Moscow City University (MCU), Moscow)
Romashkova O. N., (Doctor of Engineering, Professor, Moscow City University (MCU), Moscow)
Ermakova T. N., (Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Moscow City University (MCU), Moscow)
Chiskidov S. V., (Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Academy of Civil Protection EMERCOM of Russia», Khimki (Moscow region))
P. 66-72
Modeling of a Mobius sheetVavanov D. A., (Lecturer, Moscow State University of Civil Engineering)
Stepura A. V., (Lecturer, Moscow State University of Civil Engineering)
P. 73-76
Threats of information impact on information systems of educational institutionsIvliev S. N., (Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University, Saransk)
Krilova S. L., (Senior Lecturer, National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University, Saransk)
Kvaskov A. A., (PhD student, National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University, Saransk)
Umyarov A. R., (National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University, Saransk)
P. 77-81
Current issues of information security of radio communications of sea and river transportKorotkov V. V., (Associate Professor, Admiral S.O. Makarov GUMRF, St. Petersburg)
Melnikov A. V., (Admiral S.O. Makarov GUMRF, St. Petersburg)
P. 82-84
Methods for forming functional architecture and forecasting risks of the information portal of regional executive bodiesLeksikov E. V., (Senior Lecturer, FSBEI HE «Bryansk State Technical University»)
P. 85-93
Investigation of the issues of creating a layout in automatic mode based on the analysis of the characteristics of partsMurtazina A. R., (PhD in Technical Sciences, senior lecturer, Russian state university named A.N. Kosygin (Technologies. Design. Art), Moscow)
Mironov V. P., (PhD in Technical Sciences, senior lecturer, Russian state university named A.N. Kosygin (Technologies. Design. Art), Moscow)
Gusev A. O., (Ph.D. student, Russian state university named A.N. Kosygin (Technologies. Design. Art), Moscow)
P. 94-100
Parametric synthesis of the mechanism of joint relative manipulation based on a delta-robotOrekhov S. Y., (Senior Lecturer, Bauman Moscow State Technical University)
Veisman P. I., (Bauman Moscow State Technical University)
Mosolov G. V., (Bauman Moscow State Technical University)
Lebed M. D., (Bauman Moscow State Technical University)
Sakharov V. V., (Senior Lecturer, Bauman Moscow State Technical University)
P. 101-104
Optimal synchronization selection algorithm processes in a distributed simulation systemPantyukhov D. , (Academy of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, Oryol)
P. 105-110
Automation of casting machines based on programmable logic controllersRusakov M. G., (postgraduate student, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education N.P. Ogarev National Research Mordovian State University, Saransk)
Evdokimov A. S., (postgraduate student, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education N.P. Ogarev National Research Mordovian State University, Saransk)
Zankin A. I., (Postgraduate student, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education N.P. Ogarev National Research Mordovian State University, Saransk)
P. 111-121
On the issue of staffing shortage of territorial divisions of the ministry of internal affairs of RussiaRybak A. V., (Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Far Eastern Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia)
Danilov R. M., (Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Far Eastern Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Associate)
P. 122-127
Models of information processes of test management in the design bureauRyabogina I. A., (Post-graduate student, Moscow City University (MCU), Moscow, Russia )
Romashkova O. N., (Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA), Moscow, Russia)
Ermakova T. N., (Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Moscow City University (MCU), Moscow, Russia)
Chiskidov S. V., (Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Academy of Civil Protection EMERCOM of Russia, Khimki (Moscow region), Russia)
P. 128-134
Implementation of confidential information leakage channel due to HF irradiationSmirnov S. N., (Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman)
Ryzhikov S. S., (Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher, Associate Professor, National Research Institute "Moscow Power Engineering Institute (MPEI)")
Agureev I. A., (National Research Institute "Moscow Power Engineering Institute (MPEI)")
P. 135-144
Application of the synectic approach when considering technical referenceStepashkina E. V., (Graduate student, Ulyanovsk State Technical University; Deputy Head of the Serial Design Department, Joint Stock Company "Ulyanovsk Design Bureau instrumentation")
Shishkin V. V., (Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor, Institute of Aviation Technology and Management)
Grishin M. V., (Candidate of Technical Sciences, Institute of Aviation Technology and Management; design engineer, Joint Stock Company "Ulyanovsk Design Bureau instrumentation")
P. 145-152
Functionality expansion of intelligent autopilots by ship’s traffic control system for coastal watersSyasin D. Y., (Project manager, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov)
Sedova N. A., (Ph.D. (Eng), Associate Professor, Maritime state university named after admiral G.I. Nevelskoy, Vladivostok)
Bazhenov R. I., (Ph.D. (Pedagogy), Associate Professor, Sholom-Aliechem Priamursky State University, Birobidzhan)
Glushkov S. V., (Dr. Sci. (Eng), Professor, Maritime state university named after admiral G.I. Nevelskoy, Vladivostok)
P. 153-159
Development of an automated module for constructing control charts process based on the MATLAB software packageTikhonov M. R., (Cand. Sc. (Technology), associated professor, National Research University of Electronic Technology)
Akulenok M. V., (Cand. Sc. (Technology), associated professor, National Research University of Electronic Technology)
Shikula O. S., (senior teacher, National Research University of Electronic Technology)
P. 160-165
Analysis of macroblocs in the problem of detecting artifacts of data loss in videoUstin A. M., (Postgraduate student, N.P. Ogarev National Research Mordovian State University, Saransk)
Fedosin S. A., (Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor, N.P. Ogarev National Research Mordovian State University Saransk)
Sokolova M. S., (Postgraduate student, National Research Mordovian State University named after N.P. Ogarev, Saransk)
P. 166-170
Digital signal processing technique for increased resolution of a gas detectorShchuchkin E. Y., (postgraduate studies, National Research University of Electronic Technology)
P. 171-177
Clinical medicine
The main directions of rehabilitation therapy in the post-covid periodAchabayeva A. B., (Senior Lecturer, Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H.M. Berbekov)
Gelastanov I. K., (Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H.M. Berbekov )
Kaskulova D. Z., (Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H.M. Berbekov)
Tlizamova D. A., (Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H.M. Berbekov)
Maremshaova N. A., (Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H.M. Berbekov)
P. 178-181
Comparison of two modes of cone-bean computed tomography for the assessment defects of buccal bone plate in anterior mandibulaeBovanova N. V., (PhD student, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University) )
Golubeva G. I., (Radiologist, 3D- laboratoria)
P. 182-186
The analysis of the hyperventilation syndrome somatogenic impact in alternative survey-groups, which were differentiated by cardiological statusVoronin N. I., (Director of the Medical Institute of TSU named after G.R. Derzhavin, doctor-cardiologist, Tambov)
Kuznetsov S. I., (MD, Professor of VSMU named after N.N. Burdenko, doctor-cardiologist, Voronezh)
Kuznetsov D. S., (Doctor-cardiologist, Voronezh Regional Clinical, Hospital № 1)
P. 187-191
Complex treatment of internal disorders of the temporomandibular joint using occlusive splint therapy, arthrocentesis and arthroscopyGհaramyan B. G., (Post graduate student, Peoples Friendship University of Russia)
Chkhikvadze T. V., (Post graduate student, Peoples Friendship University of Russia)
Bekreev V. V., (Doctor of Med. Science., Professor, Peoples Friendship University of Russia)
P. 192-196
Evaluation of the effectiveness of the use of aminoglycoside antibiotics in the treatment of cariesKantaria G. O., (FSBEI HE "Volgograd State Medical University")
Kabytova M. V., (Candidate of Medical Sciences, Assistant, FSBEI HE "Volgograd State Medical University")
Onishchenko L. F., (Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, FSBEI HE "Volgograd State Medical University")
Ogonyan E. A., (Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, FSBEI HE "Volgograd State Medical University")
P. 197-203
Prevention of occupational diseases of a dentistOrlova I. A., (Teacher, Astrakhan State Medical University)
Arkhangelsk D. V., (Astrakhan State Medical University)
P. 204-208
Etiopathogenetic aspects of the boil of the maxillofacial region (literature review)Petrova T. V., (post-graduate student, Military Medical Academy S.M. Kirov, St. Petersburg)
Borodulina I. I., (doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Military Medical Academy S.M. Kirov, St. Petersburg)
Tegza N. V., (Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Military Medical Academy S.M. Kirov, St. Petersburg )
P. 209-216
Outcomes of acute myocardial infarction in the pandemic period in 2020 and before it in 2019Prokhorov K. V., (Applicant, Perm State Medical University named after academician E.A. Wagner)
Koriagin V. S., (Perm State Medical University named after academician E.A. Wagner)
P. 217-220
Features of local immunity in pregnant women with a new coronavirus infection COVID‑19Sakhautdinova I. V., (MD, Professor, Bashkir State Medical University; Chief physician of CHUZ "CB "Russian Railways-Medicine" Ufa)
Khaibullina A. R., (Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Bashkir State Medical University)
Tayupova I. M., (Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Bashkir State Medical University)
Zasyadkin I. S., (Assistant, Bashkir State Medical University)
P. 221-225
Correlation between the levels of homocysteine, magnesium, and oxiprolin in patients with acute coronary syndrome on the background of the syndrome of undifferentiated displasion of the connective tissueSultanova O. E., (Candidate of Medical Sciences, Cardiologist of the Salyutem Medical Center; Astrakhan State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia)
Chernysheva E. N., (Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Astrakhan State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia)
Kuzmichev B. Y., (Candidate of Medical Sciences, Assistant Astrakhan State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia)
Kiseleva M. A., (Candidate of Medical Sciences, Chief physician of the "Regional Cardiology Dispensary"; Astrakhan State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia)
Panova V. V., (Astrakhan State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia)
P. 226-230
Prognostic value of endothelial dysfunction and myocardial fibrosis in patients with chronic heart failure who have suffered a myocardial infarctionTrusov Y. A., (Postgraduate student, Samara State Medical University)
Zinkina A. A., (Postgraduate student, Samara State Medical University)
P. 231-237
Optimization of measures for managing pregnancy and childbirth in women with connective tissue dysplasiaFadeeva T. S., (Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences, FGAOU VO «First Moscow State Medical University Them Sechenov»)
Bitsadse V. O., (FGAOU VO «First Moscow State Medical University Them Sechenov»)
P. 238-243
Current state and prospects for treatment of colorectal tumors when extraction of samples from natural housings (N.O.S.E.S.)Cao Y. , (graduate student, First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov )
Zhang X. , (graduate student, First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov)
Fu Y. , (First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov )
P. 244-247
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