Georgieva Maryana Albekovna (Senior Lecturer, KBSU im. H.M. Berbekova (Nalchik) )
Ketova Fardiana Ruslanovna (Senior Lecturer, KBSU im. H.M. Berbekova (Nalchik))
Georgieva Irina Albekovna (Assistant, KBSU im. H.M. Berbekova (Nalchik))
Blieva Oksana Zaurovna (Dispatcher, KBSU im. H.M. Berbekova (Nalchik))
Bekboeva Inga Khasanovna (Dispatcher, KBSU im. H.M. Berbekova (Nalchik))
The cadastral value of a land plot is an indicator obtained as a result of the state cadastral valuation of a land plot. If the land plot has not yet actually been marked on the ground, the owner needs to order a land surveying procedure and perform the necessary geodetic surveys, which is done by specialized and authorized organizations. Only after these measures have been taken, the site can be put on the cadastral register and its cadastral value can be clarified. In this regard, at present, the assessment of agricultural land is becoming more and more relevant. With the help of the developed computer model for assessing the cadastral value of agricultural land, this procedure has been greatly simplified.
Keywords:cadastral value, appraisal, land fund, computer modeling, efficiency.
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Citation link: Georgieva M. A., Ketova F. R., Georgieva I. A., Blieva O. Z., Bekboeva I. K. Computer model for assessing the cadastral value of agricultural land // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2022. -№02. -С. 46-49 DOI 10.37882/2223-2966.2022.02.07 |