Magomedov Mukhuma Magomedovich (Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Dagestan State Medical University)
Ismailov Gadzhimurad Magomedovich (Postgraduate student, Dagestan State Medical University)
A prospective study was performed at the Clinic of Surgery of the Advanced Training Faculty and Professional Retraining with a course of endoscopic surgery of the Dagestan State Medical University. The study included 100 patients with postoperative ventral hernia (77 % women and 23 % men).
In accordance with the preferences of the surgical department, patients underwent surgical treatment of postoperative ventral hernias by various methods. Using the Sablay method, 45 % were operated, Onlay in 28 %, and 27 % underwent autoplasty, a surgical intervention without the use of mesh. Parameters studied post-surgery: seroma formation, wound infection, postoperative pain and reherniation. Although the first two parameters were not statistically significant, postoperative pain was found to be greater in patients who underwent Sablay surgery. There was a substantial difference in hernia recurrence rates between the groups, but there were more recurrences post non-mesh surgery (P<0.05). As for early postoperative complications, superficial wound infection (P=0.050) and hematoma formation (P=0.033) were significantly less in groups 1 and 3. Seroma formation was also significantly less in groups 1 and 3 (P=0.050). It is worth pointing out that preference should be given to the treatment of ventral hernias with the use of retromuscular mesh implants (Sablay).
Keywords:postoperative hernia, recurrence, postoperative complications, implant.
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Citation link: Magomedov M. M., Ismailov G. M. Prevention of postoperative complications ventral hernias // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2022. -№03/2. -С. 82-86 DOI 10.37882/2223-2966.2022.03-2.12 |