Kabytova Maria Viktorovna (Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Volgograd State Medical University)
Kharlamova Olga Vladimirovna (Volgograd State Medical University)
Ryzhkova Varvara Ivanovna (Volgograd State Medical University)
Among the numerous periodontal diseases a special place is occupied by pathological processes consisting in gingival proliferation. Gingival hypertrophy is a consequence of various pathogenic factors both general and local on the body. One of the causes of the pathology includes the intake of hypotensive drugs by patients with cardiovascular disease. Drug-induced hypertrophy is manifested by such characteristic symptoms as bleeding gums, supra- and sub-gingival dental deposits, hypertrophy of interdental papillae and marginal gums, and the presence of periodontal pockets. This disease requires a specific treatment algorithm from the dentist. Because of the close relationship between poor oral hygiene and proliferative processes in periodontal tissues, great attention should be paid to the observance of individual oral hygiene of the patient. Performing professional oral hygiene and monitoring the effectiveness of the patient's individual hygiene are the main points in the treatment plan for hypertrophic gingival overgrowth. But without changing the drug-inducer, a complete recovery of the patient is impossible, as there is a high probability of recurrence of the disease. Only with the cooperation of the dentist and the treating cardiologist can a successful treatment of the patient be expected. This paper presents a clinical case of gingival hypertrophy caused by taking calcium channel blockers.
Keywords:medicinal gum hypertrophy; periodontitis; hygiene.
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Citation link: Kabytova M. V., Kharlamova O. V., Ryzhkova V. I. Clinical case analysis of gingival hypertrophy on antihypertensive medication // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2022. -№06. -С. 220-223 DOI 10.37882/2223-2966.2022.06.18 |