Montina Irina Mikhailovna (Omsk State Pedagogical University
, Associate Professor of the Department of Biology and Biological Education
Candidate of Biological Sciences)
The article provides an overview of the role of bacteria in the creation of soil microbiological communities. It is shown that bacteria form a special complex with plants, participate in the circulation of various substances, and ensure a stable state of the ecosystem. The biomass of bacteria differs in different types of soils. The largest biomass of microorganisms is characteristic of chestnut soils – 32 t / ha, almost half as many microorganisms are contained in chernozems (15 t/ ha), and sod-podzolic soils (14 t/ha), the smallest biomass of microorganisms in gray forest soils – 5.7 t/ ha. Different types of soils are characterized by different species composition of soil microorganisms. Soil microbial communities react differently to the application of various fertilizers and pesticides. The types of bacteria capable of destroying herbicides are described.
Keywords:microbiocenoses, bacterial biomass in soil, nitrogen-fixing bacteria, nitrifying bacteria, cellulose-decomposing bacteria, herbicide destructor bacteria
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Citation link: Montina I. M. Microbiological communities of bacteria and plants (microbocenoses) // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2022. -№10. -С. 25-27 DOI 10.37882/2223-2966.2022.10.21 |