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Features of the biomechanics of hard tissues of teeth when replacing tooth defects with metal-ceramic restorations

Barkovets Konstantin Nikolaevich  (graduate student Belgorod State University)

Efimin Alexander Viktorovich  (graduate student Belgorod State University)

The health of the hard tissue of the teeth, the periodontium, plays an important role in the durability of dentures. The issues of comparative assessment of hard tissue of teeth when replacing with prosthetic structures are complex and not fully understood. The article presents an overview of statistical data on the technical, clinical aspects of the biomechanics of ceramic-metal prostheses, the interaction between dental hard tissues and prosthetic restorations.

Keywords:metal-ceramic restorations, meta-analysis, cermet, crown, fixed dentures


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Citation link:
Barkovets K. N., Efimin A. V. Features of the biomechanics of hard tissues of teeth when replacing tooth defects with metal-ceramic restorations // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2022. -№12/2. -С. 226-229 DOI 10.37882/2223-2966.2022.12-2.07
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