Grishmanovskaya Olga Nikolaevna (Graduate student
Surgut State University
Grishmanovsky Pavel Valerievich (Ph.D., Associate Professor,
Surgut State University
Opportunities Of Linked Open Data In The Education Field. Grishmanovskaya O. N., Grishmanovskiy P. V. Surgut State University
The current trend towards increasing the information openness of various spheres of human activity contributes to the spread of open data technologies, the potential of which lies in the possibility of creating new socially significant services that provide citizens with relevant and objective information.
The use of linked open data is associated with solving a number of problems on the way to the dissemination of open data technologies in general and in the field of education in particular. The solution of a number of technological, social and legal issues is necessary for the creation and use of open data of educational organizations and the construction of information services based on them.
Keywords:open data, linked open data, education, information service
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Citation link: Grishmanovskaya O. N., Grishmanovsky P. V. OUTLOOK FOR RELATED OPEN DATA IN EDUCATION // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2023. -№02. -С. 85-89 DOI 10.37882/2223–2966.2023.02.09 |