The modern enterprise network consists of hundreds or even several thousand personal computers. Roles in such a network are usually divided into client and server. The client can be a host, as is often the case with the Windows operating system installed or Linux-based systems such as Uubuntu. As a rule, the advantage is given to the Microsoft operating system with the ability to manage group policy systems. If we take into account modern realities, the majority of Russian government agencies have switched to the development of the company Basalt SPO system with the name alt, which already has a gpupdate tool out of the box and is an analogue of GPO Windows. Our world is not perfect and often there are questions of using and controlling systems on the Linux kernel in a mixed network where operating systems of both kinds are present. This article demonstrates the capabilities of the Ansible configuration management system for managing.
Keywords:control system, ansible, group policies, host, network, ssh, network, operating systems, software, modules, playbook, inventory file, configuration, configuration file, console, terminal, role, server, yaml, linux, active directory, microsoft, ubuntu