Goryachkin B. S. (candidate of technical Sciences, associate Professor , Moscow State Technical University names Bauman)
Petrenko A. S. (undergraduate, Moscow State Technical University names Bauman)
The article deals with the problem of modeling human-computer interaction. Modeling human-computer interaction is a complex and difficult task. One of the key problems is to develop a user model that accurately reflects their needs, abilities, and behavior. Moreover, user needs and abilities may change over time, which makes it necessary to constantly update the user model to ensure its accuracy and usefulness.
The model of an estimation of quality of the information entered by the person-operator into human-machine system on the basis of Markov chains was presented. Due to the model it was possible to establish interrelation between the number of steps of the process in human-machine system and the probability of operator's error during the input of the symbol, and to calculate optimum values of these parameters.
Application of the given model for an estimation of quality of information input and model expansion on the tasks executed by technical part of system, allow to consider better real working conditions of human-machine system.
Keywords:Human operator, modeling of operator activity, Markov chain, probability of state, command input, human-machine system, information system
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Citation link: Goryachkin B. S., Petrenko A. S. APPLICATION OF MARKOV CHAINS THEORY TO MODELING OF HUMAN-OPERATOR ACTIVITY IN CONTROL LOOP OF HUMAN-MACHINE SYSTEM // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2023. -№06. -С. 76-82 DOI 10.37882/2223-2966.2023.06.10 |