Zheludkov Anton Vladimirovich (Post-graduate student,
Moscow University of Finance and Law
Moscow, Russia
Grigoriev Sergei Georgievich (Doctor of Engineering, Professor, Corresponding Member of RAS
Moscow City University (MCU),
Moscow, Russia
This paper examines the concepts of isomorphism of algorithms and isomorphism of programming languages. Their connection is determined, namely, the implementation of the same algorithm is isomorphic in different paradigms and, as a consequence, languages. Thus, the isomorphism of algorithms turns into an isomorphism of programming languages, which means it is possible to create a global language with which it will be possible to convert code between existing languages and translate implementations of algorithms between different paradigms. The main features of this language are described.
Keywords:isomorphism of algorithms, equivalence of algorithms, programming paradigm, global programming language, Turing machine
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Citation link: Zheludkov A. V., Grigoriev S. G. GLOBAL LANGUAGE AS THE QUINTESSENCE OF ISOMORPHISM OF PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2024. -№01/2. -С. 20-28 DOI 10.37882/2223-2966.2024.1-2.03 |