Figurov Maxim Olegovich (graduate student
I. Kant Baltic Federal University
Mishchuk Bogdan Rostislavovich (Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Docent I. Kant Baltic Federal University)
The virtual gaming economy is a complex and multifaceted system that has great potential for development and innovation in the gaming industry. It allows players to be maximally involved in the game world, develop and increase their virtual capital, influence pricing within the game and even earn real money. However, at the design stage of the virtual economy, there is a risk of uncontrolled inflation in the future, as well as a number of vulnerabilities that possibly open up ways for fraud and strong inequality among the players. In order to avoid the collapse of the economy within the game, game developers must carefully consider the mechanisms of the virtual economy and ensure maximum stability and fairness of the game balance for all players.
This article discusses the use of mathematical modeling in the design of a virtual economy in a multiplayer online project under development.
Based on the results of the study, a controlled price calculation system for in-game items was developed, and a conclusion was made about its effectiveness within the framework of the virtual economy system being developed.
Keywords:virtual economy, economic models, mathematical optimization, mathematical expectation, artificial intelligence
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Citation link: Figurov M. O., Mishchuk B. R. THE USE OF MATHEMATICAL MODELING IN THE DESIGN AND CONTROL OF THE VIRTUAL ECONOMY OF AN ONLINE PROJECT // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2024. -№01. -С. 137-141 DOI 10.37882/2223-2966.2024.01.36 |