Bloshchinskiy Vladislav Dmitrievich (Applicant for the degree of Candidate of Technical Science,
Pacific National University, Khabarovsk
Shalobanov Sergey Victorovich (Doctor of Technology, professor,
Pacific National University, Khabarovsk
The paper presents an algorithm for diagnosing parametric defects in continuous automatic control systems based on configurable isomorphic diagnostic models. The influence of model stability on the ability to identify defects in the selected diagnostic object is considered. The results of determining the sets of vectors for the reference defective technical conditions of the diagnostic object and diagnosis of introduced defects by calculating the diagnostic signs distinguishability are presented. The efficiency of the algorithm was evaluated on five considered models with different stability, which showed a direct dependence of the diagnostic accuracy on the amplitude stability margin.
Keywords:parametric defect, automatic control system, diagnostic object, diagnostic sign, Laguerre filter, configurable model, stability, stability margin
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Citation link: Bloshchinskiy V. D., Shalobanov S. V. THE EFFECT OF ISOMORPHIC DYNAMIC MODELS’ STABILITY ON THE DISTINGUISHABILITY OF PARAMETRIC DEFECTS IN CONTINUOUS ACS // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2024. -№02. -С. 43-50 DOI 10.37882/2223-2966.2024.02.12 |